Links, That's Right, Links!

Favorite Links

Here are sites that I like and that have been of some use to me. Take a look... You know you're curious.

The Best page on Earth! Costumer's Manifesto
Okay... I'll admit that "the best" is a big pair of pants to fill but it is my professor's site, and she is grading me on the presentation of my webpage. It does have some excellent resources though, check it out.
The Onion
This is an excellent Online Newspaper that pokes fun at everything that deserves being poked. It is udated every week on tuesday. It also has a serious paper, the AV Club, which reviews movies, Albums, and books, includes sexual advice, and Red Meat cartoons by Max Cannon.
Free Books Online
This is a wonderful site that presents books on-line for free. Choices include such favorites as the Bible and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and more obscure titles like Nuclear War Survival Skills (1987 edition). With over 13,000 Publications, it's at least worth a look.
A site about a group of which I am a member. We are like the SCA, but less methodical and anal retentive. (No disrespect SCA, we truly do respect you a lot.) Feel free to look if you are curious.
Aylmer's Movie Page
Another of my passions is Movies. This page, run by a friend of mine, is an excellent resource for finding titles and reviews of obscure films. It is centered around horror and action films though, so be warned!
The Armour Archive
A good site for Armor history, construction and purchases.
Costume Making and other Textile Arts
This site is FULL of links to just about anything... Egyptian Socks? They've got 'em. Evolution of the Kilt? They got it. Medieval Men's Underwear? Just go here and see for yourself!
Sir Clisto's Tome
A little bit of everything that is interesting to a SCAdian or history buff. See for yourself.
Arms And Armour Glossary of terms
Getting frustrated because you can't remember what a quintain is? Fear not! Here's some good stuff for you, a whole glossary of medieval terms just for you.

Arts of War
SCA site are excellent resources!!! I suggest you look at the various fifferent arming coats in the "Make your own armor" section.
Armour Website
Many links here, and they're even categorized! Nice and neat aromor info here.
Maspien's Leather Armor
Some of the most creative armor pieces I've seen, great for Ideas or if you have too much money. I believe there is also a section for all those fetishist! Very Reccomended.
The Costume Page
I found this site by accident and found it very useful! It's got all sorts of costume goodies that need to be seen.

Have Fun!