Men's Clothing: Meiji Japan and Prohibitionist America

Hirohito and a Smoking Jacket

Here in College we theatre students are often asked to create strange projects... I am no different. In the UAF theatre class "History of fashion and Dress" we have been given the assignment of making a webpage. Not just any page mind you, but a page about a favored era in time and a single article of clothing that each of us has studied in-depth. I have chosen to present to you, electric surfer, pictures of men's formal dress during the Meiji Era in Japan. My garment of choice was a smoking jacket from the 1920's, which I like to call "The Decade Long Party."

The Emperor of Japan during the second world war, chosen by divine right, was a perfect template for study of the progression of formal wear in Japan. He is one of the few Japanese people whose formal pictures were taken from youth to older age.

I'm not responsible!
Now folks, I want you to understand that I'm no genius. I often have trouble stringing sentences together correctly. I type with my thumbs and my tongue is too large for it's own good. With that out of the way, I would like to say this: I'm sure I've made many mistakes in this page, please don't hate me for this reason. If you DO need a reason to hate me, please e-mail me with a list of your personal passions (Please include religion, sexual preference, Political views, and your standing on various controversial current event topics). Be assured that I will promptly send you a letter full of piss and vinegar to give you a reason to hate me. I hope to hear from you!

In case you didn't know, this is the bottom of the page.